Our Management

The visionary outlook of our President

Following the lens of Carl Sagan’s sentiment: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” Since 1986, SJ Public School has upheld a steadfast commitment to nurturing students of academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and moral integrity. With the advent of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, we eagerly embrace an educational paradigm shift towards holistic development. NEP 2020 advocates a learner-centric model, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Our curriculum realignment reflects this ethos, empowering students to evolve as lifelong learners and global citizens.

Beyond academics, our holistic approach integrates physical, emotional, social, and moral growth through diverse activities. Our dedicated educators foster an inclusive environment, fostering curiosity, resilience, and empathy. We invite parents to join us in shaping their children’s educational journey, as together, we prepare them to thrive in the 21st century with confidence and compassion.

Thank you for entrusting us with your children’s education; we eagerly anticipate celebrating their successes and growth within our school community.

Shirish Poonglia

President, SSJV Shiksha Samiti

In the words of our Vice President

“We may not always craft the destiny of our youth, yet we possess the power to forge them into architects of tomorrow,” eloquently stated by Franklin D. Roosevelt, encapsulates the essence of SJPS. Beyond imparting knowledge, we aspire to furnish our students with a comprehensive life experience. Our endeavour is to instil a passion for learning, transcending the confines of textbooks.

At SJPS, our ethos is rooted in diligence, transparent communication, collaborative spirit, and unwavering accountability. This visionary ambiance has ignited our students with an indomitable drive for excellence, supported by a committed faculty, meticulously crafted curricula, and top-notch infrastructure.

Our mission is to bestow quality education, with academic brilliance, teaching prowess, and discipline serving as our guiding pillars. We equip our students to navigate life beyond the school walls as self-reliant, pragmatic, and conscientious decision-makers.

Collaboration defines the ethos of SJPS, where management, educators, and parents synergize efforts to nurture a child-centric educational environment.

Subhash Golecha

Vice President, SSJV Shiksha Samiti

Sharing the wisdom statement of our hon’ble Secretary

Consider education as the conduit for unleashing our utmost potential, for within each of us lies aspirations waiting to be realized, contributing to the collective welfare and fortifying our nation’s prowess.

At SJPS, we take pride in fostering a secure and intellectually stimulating milieu, cultivating students into avant-garde thinkers, adept problem-solvers, and enthusiastic learners primed for the challenges of the modern era.

Active engagement in both academic and extracurricular endeavours, coupled with a sense of accountability, is imperative in today’s educational landscape. Our mission is to impart authentic education, nurturing analytical prowess, self-assurance, and adeptness in goal-setting, thus enabling students to uncover and harness their innate talents.

These convictions underpin all our educational strategies, forming the bedrock upon which we craft our path towards school improvement objectives.

– Sharad Kankaria

Secretary, SSJV Shiksha Samiti

Penning down the words of visionary

As Treasurer of SSJV Shiksha Samiti, I extend a warm welcome to our students, parents, faculty, and community members. Our commitment to fiscal responsibility and transparency ensures that every resource is utilized effectively to enhance the educational experience of our students. We prioritize prudent financial management to support academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and infrastructure development. Your trust and support enable us to fulfill our mission of nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared to excel in the modern world. We value your partnership and invite you to engage with us in our financial endeavors, ensuring the continued success of SJ Public School.

– Narendra Shrimal

Treasurer, SSJV Shiksha Samiti

Message from the Academic Director

As Academic Director, I urge you to cherish your visions and dreams, for they are the essence of your aspirations. Our children embody the culmination of our hopes and aspirations. At SJPS, while we prioritize academic excellence, we also nurture the emotional well-being of every child. Guided by the National Education Policy (NEP), we embark on a transformative journey in education. NEP serves as our guiding compass towards a future where learning is holistic, inclusive, and empowering. Central to NEP is the belief in fostering critical thinking, creativity, and inquiry-based learning. We are dedicated to providing experiential learning opportunities, encouraging students to apply knowledge in real-life situations. Together with our students, parents, and community, we cultivate an environment that fosters reverence for education, promotes holistic development, and inspires excellence.

– Mahendra Jain

Director (Academic), S J Public School

Leading with Purpose: Illuminating Tomorrow’s Leaders

Welcome to the vibrant universe of SJ Public School, where education is not just a journey; it’s an extraordinary odyssey of self-discovery and evolution. Here, every moment is a canvas waiting to be painted with the hues of character and the sparkle of values, akin to precious gems waiting to be unearthed.
As custodians of the esteemed SJ Family, our mission transcends the realms of ordinary schooling; it’s about kindling flames of inspiration and catalysing transformations that resonate through time and space. Right from the genesis of our voyage, we embark on a quest for moral enlightenment, weaving narratives of integrity and igniting the embers of compassion through acts of benevolence. But our expedition knows no boundaries; it stretches far beyond the realms of conventional academia.

Our curriculum isn’t merely a roadmap; it’s a kaleidoscope of boundless possibilities. Whether it’s the adrenaline rush of the playing field or the serenity of the art studio, the fervour of debate clubs or the warmth of community outreach, there exists a sanctuary for every passion to flourish and every talent to blossom. Within the rich carpet of SJ Public School, diversity isn’t just acknowledged; it’s exalted. Inclusivity isn’t just promoted; it’s woven into the very fabric of our existence. Here, each student is a cherished thread in the intricate weave of our community, where respect, responsibility, and unbounded kindness form the very essence of our being.

Your child’s grand odyssey begins here, amidst the warmth of our embrace and the brilliance of our vision.

– Neeraj Beniwal

Principal, SJ Public School

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